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Featured Farmers
Mallon Farm

Mallon Farm

We farm 50 acres just outside of Cookstown. We are working hard to try new things, growing flax for textiles and introducing more horticulture. Our hope is to make the farm more profitable but at the same time maintain our biodiversity and stay carbon negative.

Picked Organic

Picked Organic

My name is David Lindsay and I run and manage Picked Organic market garden just outside Moneyreagh, Belfast. We started back in early 2018 with a bit of a mad idea to start growing veg at scale in a way that benefited the local environment. The project has expanded massively since then, accelerated in part by the pandemic and an ever increasing demand for locally and sustainably grown food.

Tannybrake Farm

Tannybrake Farm

The Barr Family have the only known Shorthorn Dairy herd in Ireland. They have resolutely stayed small, producing the best quality milk from cows they know by name.

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©2022 by GrowIN
(short for Growing Innovation Network)

A Food, Farming & Countryside Commission project funded by The Aurora Trust

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