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Growing Innovation Competition Criteria

Eligibility:  The competition is open to current Further and Higher Education and Postgraduate students at CAFRE.


What are we looking for?



Ideas that are bringing something new – it can be a new product, new process, new business model or even innovative branding and marketing.  It may already exist but the innovation might be in using it in a new way or bringing it to somewhere new.



We want ideas that either have a big life changing impact for a small number of people or a small impact but on a very large number of people – or best of all – a big impact on a lot of people.  We are particularly keen to see ideas that address the big challenges facing the industry including climate change, GHG reduction, biodiversity loss, soil health, environmental protection and food security.



The idea must contribute to at least one or more of the UN Sustainable Development Goals – it might have an economic impact, an environmental impact or social.  It MUST NOT have a negative effect on any of the other goals i.e. an environmental project which would be detrimental to the economy or an economic project that has negative social or environmental impact.



We must be able to imagine how this might work in the real world, is there a real chance that this idea could be brought to life.  We must be convinced that there is a need and satisfied that the numbers stack up.



The team should have the skills needed to make the idea happen – or should have identified how they are going to bring in the skills needed.



The idea should be communicated in a professional, engaging way.  We encourage the use of visual aids, prototypes and samples.

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