Has anyone any experience using garlic lick buckets for sheep and/or cattle? They are supposed to help reduce flies and ticks? Maybe less chance of blowfly? Also anyone used teatree oil to prevent/treat blowfly, it is used in New Zealand I think 10mls of teatree in one litre of water and applied the same way as conventional treatment. I would like to hear of any alternatives that people are using and if they work?
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Shamrock Buckets, they make up buckets to order, they are in the North too. https://www.shamrockfarmenterprises.com/contact
Excellent. Where did you get the mineral buckets from Maureen?
New Mineral buckets, seaweed base with garlic added arrived. They smell of garlic and the sheep and lambs seem to like them.
Hi Will, I have used the teatree before for established blowfly strike, it definitely clears everything off and aids healing. There is research in New Zealand that it is an effective treatment as a preventative too. Better option could be selective breeding. Blowfly is attracted to a pheronome produced by certain sheep only, genetic, so it can be bred out with selective breeding and flocks might not need the preventative for blowfly. A beef cattle farmer I know uses the garlic licks for his cattle and finds them really good so I have ordered some to try.
I don't have any answers Maureen but thinking similarly about effective alternatives to CLIK. Keen to hear about garlic licks and whether they work